Narrow chin with high cheekbones and a prominent forehead.
Square and Browline.
Circular and Rectangular frames. Look for frames with wider bottoms to balance and compliment your heart-shaped face.
Square chin with larger jawline and face is long and wide.
Rectangle and Small Frames.
Oval, Round and Cat Eye frames. To make a square face look longer and soften its angles, try narrow frame styles, frames that have more width than depth, and narrow ovals.
Broad jawline with narrow forehead and wide cheeks.
Cat Eye.
Diamond shape chin with narrow forehead and prominent cheekbones.
To highlight the eyes and soften the cheekbones, try frames that have detailing or distinctive brow lines like frames with oval or cat-eye shapes.
Circular face with prominent cheekbones and face is equal in length and width.
Small, Oval, Browline and Cat Eye.
Square frames. Look for rectangular frames that are wider than they are deep help the face appear thinner and longer.
No sharp angles with round forehead and jaw. Face is longer than it is wide.
Square, Oval, Rectangular and Cat Eye. Look for frames that are wider than widest part of frame
Face is longer than it is wide.
Rectangular frames. Try frames that are deeper in the eyepiece rather than wider.